Career Advice & Guidance
We ensure all of our students receive appropriate advice regarding their “next steps” during their time at Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre through a programme of careers education and advice and guidance provided by our pastoral team and independent careers adviser.
We are fully committed to ensuring our students leave school with a place in the sixth form, at college or in employment with training (e.g. an apprenticeship) in line with the Government’s Raising the Participation Age (RPA) agenda.
All young people in England are required to continue in education or training until they are 18 years old. This does not mean they must stay in school and are they are able to choose from:
full-time education (e.g at a school or college)
an apprenticeship or traineeship
part-time education or training combined with one of the following:
employment or self-employment for 20 hours or more a week
volunteering for 20 hours or more a week
In the current economic climate, it is important that your child is given the best possible chance to find information on all the education and training post-16.
Here at Hillcrest School, we have a dedicated Careers Adviser, Mrs Matto, to give our students Careers Guidance from Years 7-13 through one to one interviews and drop-in sessions. Mrs Matto is in school on Thursdays and is based in the Advice and Guidance Centre. Parents/carers and students can email Mrs Matto. Parents/Carers receive a weekly careers update through ParentMail and suggested links to resources that will help them to speak with their child about their future career options.
All aspects of Careers guidance and Work Related Learning is co-ordinated in school by Mr Kennard. Parents/carers and students can email to find out more information on our careers and work-related learning provision. Careers and working related learning is supported by our careers governor is Miss L Macarthur-Clare.
Hillcrest School is a member of the Birmingham Careers Hub. We work collaboratively with colleagues in other hub schools, employers, training providers, higher education institutions and universities to co-ordinate careers and work-related learning provision in school. As part of our role in the Careers Hub, we work closely with our Enterprise Co-ordinator, Ravinder Laili.
We work collaboratively with several local businesses to ensure our students are fully informed of their future career options, particularly apprenticeships. We have been very thankful of the support given to the school from ISHIDA Europe (Woodgate Valley Business Park). All Year 9 students complete a taster day at Ishida and engage with apprentices in several different departments in the company. In addition, Ishida staff delivered assemblies and workshops to students in years 7 - 11 on apprenticeship opportunities in the company, as well as delivering mock interview and CV writing workshops to Year 10 and 11 students. This work culminated in a programme to support targeted Year 10 students to deepen their understanding of how to apply for apprenticeships.
We welcome the opportunity to engage with other businesses and training providers in similar ways. If you are interested in supporting the school in enhancing our careers provision, please contact Mr Kennard ( for further details.
Overview of CEIAG provision at Hillcrest School click here
Hillcrest School Destinations Report 2020-2024 click here
Provider Access Procedures 2024-25 click here
Careers Week Overview March 2024 click here
Careers Education Curriculum Plan 2024-25 click here
Careers Encounters Provision 2024-25 click here
Careers Newsletter December 2024 click here
All subject teachers are expected to support the school’s approach to careers education and guidance. The curriculum offers excellent opportunities for developing the knowledge and skills that employers need and subject teachers can be powerful role models to attract pupils towards their subject and the careers that flow from it.
At Hillcrest School Teachers and School Staff will:
- Provide students with opportunities to discover and learn about careers and employability, engage with the wider business community and with employers inside and outside of the classroom.
- Link schemes of learning with the world of work and, as mentors, discuss experiences, skills development and progression with students and help signpost them to the Careers Advisor.
- Provide information on local, national and international labour markets.
- Identify opportunities for students to develop the knowledge and skills that employers require.
- Show how specific subjects lead to a variety of opportunities while also giving students a broad general knowledge that will enable them to participate in and contribute to society.
Our careers curriculum is focused on embedding an extensive range of employability skills in lessons in Years 7-11. Each department focuses on a different employability skill each term. Staff link learning to the targeted employability skill to ensure, by the end of the term, students have a developed an understanding of the importance of the respective employability skill and can confidently apply the skill in their learning throughout the curriculum.
Click here for Employability Skills Programme 2024-25
Impact Evaluations of Careers Provision 2024-25
Careers Fair Feedback 2025 - click here
Halesowen College - click here
Stakeholder Evaluation of Year 11 Mock Interview Day January 2025
Careers Resources
- We have a careers section in the Advice and Guidance Centre with a range of careers information and college/university prospectuses which our students can access during a break, lunch and after school.
Useful Websites - Careers and Local Labour Market Information
Which University?
To help students make more informed decisions about their higher education – apprenticeship vacancies (updated regularly) –
Success At School
Success at School is the place for young people to explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice. Lots of helpful advice in the advice section on employability skills, work experience, apprenticeships, university and different career paths –
Careers Advice For Parents
Aims to give you an easy-to-read overview of all the essential facts on finding jobs and apprenticeships or choosing further and higher education courses which could make a real difference to your child’s future career prospects. –
Graduate Prospects
Graduate Prospects is the UK’s leading provider of information, advice and opportunities to students and graduates and provides an extensive graduate careers website. –
Careers of The Future
A helpful publication to help you with researching your future careers – Careers of The Future.
Website that gives you free access to more than a thousand videos related to different curriculum subjects of people telling their personal careers stories in their own words including information on Labour Market Information (LMI) e.g. average salary, skills & qualification. –
LMI For All
LMI for All is an online data portal, developed by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, which brings together existing national sources of high-quality labour market information (LMI) that can inform people’s choices about their careers. –
Not Going To Uni
If you are thinking of not going to University – then the ‘notgoingtouni’ team are here to help you find the options that work for you and they can give advice, inspiration and tools to make an informed decision about your future.
Advice from the Career Writers Association
Careers advice from the Career Writers Association –
Apprenticeship Search
Find an apprenticeship –
National Careers Service
National Careers Service – National Careers Service Direct
Amazing Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships: Parent Information Pack
Nomis is a service provided by the Office for National Statistics, access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.
Looking for that perfect career?
Living Wage Employers
Search for Living Wage employers