Visit to Keble College Oxford
Some of our Yr 10 & 11 students exploring @KebleOxford, learning about future opportunities, gaining tips and advice for GCSE study, applying to University of Oxford and other competitive higher education institutions.
& Sixth Form Centre
Some of our Yr 10 & 11 students exploring @KebleOxford, learning about future opportunities, gaining tips and advice for GCSE study, applying to University of Oxford and other competitive higher education institutions.
Year 9 students enjoyed a trip to the Staffordshire Regiment Museum to learn about WWI, handling artefacts and exploring a replica trench.
We are delighted at Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre to again be named in the Top 10 Highest Performing Comprehensive Schools in the West Midlands by The Sunday Times Parent Power Guide 2025. Congratulations to our wonderful students, staff, governors and the wider Hillcrest community.
Sixth Form Scholars are very excited to welcome the whole school to their Christmas Market, raising funds for their charity of the year @TeenageCancer
The English department have teamed up with Bookbuzz and presented each year 7 student with a reading book from a list of 16 fantastic titles. Thank you to the sixth formers for wrapping each book - a great gift for Christmas!
Hillcrest has won the top scoring newcomer award in the CyberFirst Girl's Competition 2024 and 3rd place in the West Midlands for highest score. Well done to all of the Year8 CS students who participated, in particular Nica, Zaria, Simreet & Hiranya who got the most points in the school!
Sixth Form students have begun PSHE Day 3 by participating in @LoudmouthUK Calling It Out programme discussing and exploring themes around misogyny, sexual harassment and healthy sexual behaviours.
The school is closed during the half-term holidays.
We wish all of our students and their families a safe and relaxing break and look forward to seeing you when we reopen on Monday 4th November 2024 at 08:45am.
If you have a safeguarding concern, please refer to the useful links below to access the support you may need.
If you are a student and/or parent and are in need of additional support for your well-being or mental health, please refer any of the organisations below:
Kooth -
Forward Thinking Birmingham - or ring 0300 300 0099
Young Minds -
You can also use the Waiting Room to find information on a range of support services in Birmingham, including housing and financial support -
If you require immediate assistance, please contact the Samaritans or call 999 in an emergency. If you require support from Birmingham Children's Services please ring 0121 303 1888.
Additionally, you can access further support by visiting
School reunion - Sat 12th Oct - due to unprecedented interest in this event we will only be able to accommodate those guests who have already confirmed their attendance and who have received a reply from us. We do not wish to disappoint anyone but we currently have over 500 registered places and we must have a limit on numbers attending due to health and safety and availability of catering for our guests.