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Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team

Ms J A Davies 
Head Teacher

Mr S Abbotts
Deputy Head Teacher

Mr S Connor-Hemming
Deputy Head Teacher

 Mrs S Palmer
Assistant Head Teacher

 Mrs S Johnson
Strategic Business Manager

Mrs C Jacobs
SENDCo/Assistant Head Teacher

Staff Members


Mr J Gaff - Head of Maths
Mr M Gilman - Deputy Head of Maths
Mrs A Jones - Teacher of Maths
Ms A Ayub - Teacher of Maths
Dr S Gardner - Teacher of Maths
Mr C Daniels - Teacher of Maths

English Language and Literature

Mrs R Drury - Head of English
Mrs L Holmes - Deputy Head of English
Mr D James - Teacher of English
Mrs F Meacher - Teacher of English
Mrs M Bhargav - Teacher of English

Mr T Doyle - Teacher of English


Mrs R Kaur - Head of Science 
Mr T Squires - Deputy Head of Science and Head of Sixth Form
Mr G Perks - Teacher of Science
Mr F Gale - Teacher of Science
Ms E Mostofi - Teacher - Assistant Head of Science
Ms L Hendrickse - Teacher of Science
Miss H Finney - Teacher - Assistant Head of Science

Dr L Cooper - Teacher of Science


Humanities (Geography/History/RE)

Mr L Gregory - Head of Geography
Ms R Glendening - Teacher of Geography & Developing SEND Teaching and Learning Practice
Mrs A Buncey - Head of History                                                                                           
Mr T O'Neill - Teacher of History
Mrs J Abbotts - Head of Religion and Worldviews
Ms S Field - Teacher of Religion                                                                                               
Miss H Dhadda - Teacher of History                                                                                     
Mr A Wallace - Teacher of Religion

Modern Foreign Languages

Mr B Harrison - Head of MFL
Ms C Dero - Teacher of French
Ms H Bouchelaghem - Teacher of French

Mrs K Gaze - Teacher of French

Computing/Business Studies

Miss A Tanday - Teacher of Computing/Business Studies

Physical Education

Mrs L Taylor-Stupple - Head of PE and Primary Liaison
Mrs L Ginn - Teacher of PE 

Dance and Drama

Mrs G Berlyn - Head of Dance and Drama (Job Share)                                                       
Mrs E Kirby - Head of Dance and Drama (Job Share)                                                     
Mrs Laura Broomhall - Teacher of Dance and Drama


Mr D Nock - Head of Music

Design Technology

Mrs A Kirsz - Head of Design Technology
Mr S Kennard - Teacher of DT/Careers & Work Related Learning Co-ordinator 

Art and Design

Mr A Featon - Head of Art and Design                                                                               
Mrs S Gill - Teacher (also Design Technology)

Social Sciences

Mrs A Hubble - Head of Social Science
Mrs Elizabeth Fletcher - Teacher of Social Science

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Mrs C Jacobs - Assistant Headteacher (designated SENDCo)
Ms H Razzaq - Teacher of EAL
Mrs K Hughes - Lead Practitioner for Cognition/Learning Needs
Mrs T Stansbie - Lead Practitioner for Social, Emotional and/or Mental Health Needs (Safeguarding)
Ms S Munroe-Zaman - SEND Teaching Assistant - Communication/Interaction Needs                                                                       

Miss C Hill - Lead Practitioner for Communication/Interaction Needs

Miss A Shokunbi - SEND Teaching Assistant - Social, emotional and/or Mental Health Needs

Ms A Nayak - SEND Teaching Assistant

Vacancy - SEND Teaching Assistant - Cognition/Learning Needs

Ms S Yacoub - Teacher of EAL

Pastoral Team

Miss J McDonald - College Leader Year 7
Miss H Winter - College Leader Year 8
Miss K Ankiah - College Leader Year 9
Miss J Smallwood - College Leader Year 10
Miss A Adenike - College Leader Year 11

Mr T Squires - Deputy Head of Science and Head of Sixth Form

Administration & Support Team

Mrs M Bunce - Senior Learning Mentor
Mrs S Rudge - Finance/Office Manager
Mrs L Hopkins - Site Manager
Mrs E Sexon - Data Manager
Mr D Job - ICT Operations Manager
Mrs J Mann - Administration Assistant
Ms Z Parween - Administration Assistant/Librarian
Miss L Hughes - Finance Assistant
Miss M Stuart - Administration Assistant-Attendance
Ms J Taylor - Student Receptionist
Mrs M Bathurst - Main Receptionist
Mr S Thompson - Senior ICT Support
Mr G Gracie - Building Services Supervisor
Mr S Vincent - Building Services Supervisor
Mrs A Haining - Science Technician
Miss A Kaur - Science Technician
Mrs J Stanford - Technician of Food & Textiles
Mr A Lakin - Technician of Art & Resistant Materials
Mrs C Thompson - Headteacher’s PA
Mr D Key - Administration Assistant/Exams Officer                                                       
Mrs G Yau - Cover Administrator


Governing Body Members

Miss D McIlmurray
Chair of Governors

Mr L Palin
School Governor

Mrs L. Macarthur-Clare
School Governor 

Mr P Earley
School Governor

Mrs K Earl
School Governor

Mr Ahmed Elderiny
School Governor 


Ms J Martin

 School Governor











Parent Trustees for Hillcrest Academy Trust - Two Vacancies.

For further information, please contact Claire Thompson