Virtual Open Week 17th to 24th September Please click here to see our video and other resources and how to book onto one of our webinars
Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre ‘Virtual Open Event’ for Year 6
We would like to invite you to view our Virtual Open Evening Video and FAQs document on our website from Thursday 17th September.
Parents will also be able to sign up for live webinars hosted by key staff in the school, with the opportunity to ask any questions after the webinar or by arranging a phone call discussion.
Hillcrest Webinars
Session 1 - Thursday 17th September 2020 at 6pm
Session 2 - Monday 21st September 2020 at 5pm
Session 3 – Thursday 24th September 2020 at 5pm
Parents will need to email their name, child’s name, current Primary School and an email address for the invite and indicate which session you would prefer to attend to or call 0121 4643172.
When we are able to start having visitors on site again we will off course arrange some face to face transition activities and open events for pupils starting at Hillcrest in September 2021.
Hillcrest School Video